March is gone and I’m so glad that You are here.
You start with a day that many have played pranks on family, friends, loved ones and even strangers. Some of these pranks have been mean and others, harmless. Mostly it's been hilarious!
Do You remember a Ghanaian radio presenter invited his listeners to his long anticipated wedding at a public venue on 1st April? People showed up in their numbers only to be told it was an April fools' prank. Luckily his fiancée and inner circle knew this was a joke so they didn’t bother showing up. I also remember a ‘company’ advertised that an airplane was picking up youth from a certain harbour town to the US for free. There was a lot of commotion in that town when all those eager young people gathered for the supposed trip. April foooool!
I’m excited about You, April because this is when I was born. And I’m excited to know any person also born in this month. I automatically share some special affinity with persons born in April. Did You know that two of my mom’s siblings and a nephew were born in April? Of course, you know.
So April 1st plus my birthday have meant that I’ve gotten April fooled on my birthday a few times. Aaah, but I wasn't born on 1st April! Sigh. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve spotted the pranks just in time before going along with them! April fool to the initiator(s) of the birthday prank! Ha, I got you!
Easter is usually celebrated when You are around, but sometimes in March. It’s exciting to have a long holiday around Easter and to have some sort of family reunion around this time. Easter bunnies and eggs are nice to see, although they are not really related to the true Easter story. It’s also fun to be a part of the Easter picnic and fun games, when I’m able to make it. I don’t know whether I’ll take part this year but if I do, then I’m going all for it, full swing! I think, so far Good Friday has fallen on my birthday once or twice in my lifetime. Make sure that doesn’t happen ever as long as I’m alive, okaaaaay? Thanks. I know you won’t do that.
With your arrival comes rainy season. Although it would have rained sporadically in March, officially we know You to be the Mother of rainy season and in temperate areas, the Mother of Spring. Lovely rain interacting with the earth smells heavenly. I usually associate fresh, tender blooms with You, like the lovely crocus. It’s a time when farmers in Ghana start planting seasonal crops such as corn. It’s beautiful to see buds pop up from the earth.
If I had the chance to rename you, I would call you Blossom. Would you like this? I’m sure You would.
When You leave, the next day is a holiday, May Day; a rest day for all workers. How could I not fall in love with You over the years?
Did I say I’m excited You are here? Yes, I am!
Lady Akofa.