I came across scribbles of quotes from old notepads about desire. Aaaah, that strong feeling we call desire! Desire for a particular woman cost Jacob 14 years of labour to her father. Uriah prematurely lost his life and wife because of David's unbridled desire. Desire caused Jesus' relentless pursuit of me and His life in exchange for mine. Man can control it somewhat but only in God's hands does it become a purposeful and God-honouring tool.
“… pursuit is proof of desire.” Mike Murdock.
"Desire, ask, believe, receive." Stella Terrill Mann
"There is one quality that one must possess to win, and that is definiteness of purpose, the knowledge of what one wants and a burning desire to possess it." Napoleon Hill
“It is one thing to desire and it is another thing to be prepared to receive what you desire.” ???
This comment is so true:"It is one thing to desire and it is another thing to be prepared to receive what you desire." I believe sometimes that we don't receive from the Lord's hand what He has for us because we are not prepared to receive.
So very true! Thanks for sharing the quotes.
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