Friday, 26 October 2007

Grandma and Grandson

He loves to pose, smile, and say "Cheese!" when it's picture taking time. And while our three generational home lasts, Kofi loves to chat with his Grandma. Although most of Kofi's chatter is unintelligible and almost meaningless, his Grandma pays good attention and engages him in whatever he wants to talk about. I really don't get what they say, nonetheless, they get along so well.

Thursday, 25 October 2007

The Gift of Family Within the Body of Christ

The Gift of Family Within the Body of Christ

Just as it is uncharacteristic for God to lie, I'm a die-hard when it comes to using black ink to write. The few times I use blue ink, it’s so because I can't find my black pen to write with. This has been so since my secondary school days. My dad also has this trait. I wonder why this is so and how it came about???

However, I have this blue pen, which is so dear to me. It is a gift from one of my moms in Christ. It is multi-purpose- a fancy duck stamp, with bubble liquid inside to blow out bubbles. Just blowing the bubbles makes me feel like a kid! And I smile fondly, whenever I think of this godly mom, who gave me this pen along with a cute, red notepad, which has heart shapes on it. I’m so grateful for the gift. And more importantly, I am grateful for the relationship I have with this mom, Auntie Margaret and her husband, Uncle Simone.

I’m not sure how I got to know this couple but I first knew their daughter, Elsie and her, then fiancé, Kofi, who were in my bible study group as far back as 1997/8. As time went on the group grew bigger and we split several times. Interestingly, though I was no longer in the same bible study group with Elsie and Kofi, when Auntie Maggie and Uncle Simone decided to fellowship with my church, they joined my bible study group.

I can clearly say that, I’ve been blessed by fellowshipping with them over the years. I’m always awed by their wisdom and love when they share their experiences in bible study discussions. I remember when we paired up within the group to form prayer partnerships. My first partner was Uncle Simon. Initially, I didn’t even know how to relate to him, especially with his eye challenges and all. I can’t say that I was faithful in this partnership of praying for Uncle Simone, but I do know that several relationships blossomed in Christ’s love. I really do miss this godly, old couple when they are not able to make it for bible study. I remember penning my appreciation in a Christmas card last year (I had even wanted to do this much earlier!) and giving it to them. According to Auntie Maggie, they were touched by this gesture.

Well, I just got touched recently, when Auntie Maggie returned from visiting family abroad with the bubble pen and hearty notepad for me. How sweet! :) The beauty of relationships within the body of Christ, Hebrews 10:24-25. Let us consider how we can spur one another unto love and good works. How true, is His Word!

September 28, 2007

Monday, 15 October 2007

I found myself in the Blogsphere!!!

Well, I got lost and decided to find myself.... :) in Blogsville. So here am I. On this blog, will be about almost anything I think worth sharing with whoever will read. I seek to share mostly God-glorifying things.

So hang on and let me figure how this Blog thing works.

Lady Akofa.