Monday, 12 July 2010

Only in Ghana! Potholes

Rain does some pretty wonderful things... Brings life and ... death. Remember the flood in Noah's day? It rained 40 days and needless to say, you know what happened in the end.

Fire does some pretty wonderful things too.

But I'd take water if let let me choose between fire and water. I think you can recover some things after a flood but I'm not sure what one can recover from ashes.

About a week or two week ago, we were driving home from I don’t remember where, and I commented on the association between rain and potholes in Ghana. And my mom responded, “There is a saying that you choose which pothole you’d want to fall into.” Hehehe! And there are very deep ones too.

You see, overtime our road gradually erodes as rain softens the ground with the added pressure from vehicles. So you see all these drivers dodging potholes, running into the other lane in the process. Welcome to not so smooth driving in Ghana = Bumpy rides.

It was such a pleasant surprise to see the potholes being filled over the weekend by the road works people.

God bless ya,