Friday, 15 July 2011

Of Randomness and Randomities

I know, “randomities” cannot be found in the English dictionary, don't you think I know that? I created it! Ain’t I so brilliant?! Let me tell you a secret. Sssh.. don’t tell anyone, okay? Just between you and me. By the time your grandchildren are born, you’ll find “randomities” in any Standard English dictionary, haha! : - )

Eating pleasures: Eating hot Koose (fried bean cake) with spring onions stuffed in it.

Bumper harvest: Of mangoes, mangoes, and MANGOES! Hahaha! Psalm 67: 5-7

Unwelcome skin spots: Mosquitoes bites. I refuse to get malaria!

Humpty Dumpty moment: In which I tripped and had a GREAT FALL but by God’s grace didn’t shatter into pieces, haha!

Scary thoughts during my Humpty Dumpty GREAT FALL:
“What if I roll down the staircase and end up in the hospital with major injuries?”
“Oh, God! My head! Don’t let my head get smashed down the stairs!”
“Oh, my legs! It seems like I’m going to break one of them!”

Of friends in trying seasons:
Wishing that I could be there 24/7 with each of them.
Wishing that I could take away their pain or at least lessen their pain in some way.
Wishing that I had the right answers that will calm their uncertainties.
Yet... what a joy to encourage them with the WORD: Romans 15: 4-6
And what an honour and privilege to pray for them when we are not together and pray with them when I do get to be with them.

An Unexpected, Pleasant & Affirming Compliment:
Gentleman: Do you work out?
Me: No. Not really. Apart from the usual house chores, I don’t work out.
Gentleman: Well, you’ve always looked fit.
Me: : - ) Thanks!
Note *** While I wouldn't call him a friend, I’ve known this gentleman since childhood.

Randomly Yours,
Lady Akofa. :-)