Monday, 30 June 2008

Brevity of Life

We only realise the brevity of life

as we grow older
but for us in Christ
Life never ends!

by Lady Akofa,
June 27, 2008.

Monday, 23 June 2008

After work bag inspection

Somebody loves to inspect and rummage through my bag(s), after work. And he does so at random, unscheduled times.

Look at what I found in her bag! A blue fan!

My nephew, Kofi, also loves to wear my shoes from time to time, like these pink flip flops. Don't blame this cute kid, he didn't make that mess on the bed behind him, I did. :)

I think he's saying, "I see you bluish!"

Friday, 20 June 2008

My life this week

Doesn't this look familiar?

My life this week looks like these 2 pictures below. A dreadful to-do list that never gets short, because something new always comes up everyday.

I'm looking forward to the day when my desk will be as clear and tidy as below.

Wish me the Best and I ask for your prayers! I need them!

Friday, 13 June 2008

Who loves Mangoes???

Me! Me!! Me!!!

Unripe, green mangoes on a branch supported by an old bug-bitten wood. The branches droop to the ground if there's no support.

Above, mostly ripe mangoes ready for eating. :)

It's rainy season, and God has blessed us with so much rain this year in Ghana, unlike last year when as a nation we had to petition in prayer for rain because of our electricity power situation. This year, all we have to do is to thank God for the rains!

Every time, after a heavy rainfall, especially accompanied with strong winds, we come out of the house only to see all these ripe mangoes on the ground ready to eat. We sometimes can get 2 buckets-FULL of mangoes after the rains. Often, we've had to pack bags of mangoes as gifts to friends, we can't eat all of them! Yummy, but teeth-sticking!

But these bigger type of mangoes below, don't cause the teeth-sticking thing while and after eating them. You can actually eat a whole one or two and be satisfied as if it were a complete meal. I sometimes do that, or eat several small mangoes for lunch or supper.

Now that the season of mango is almost waning out, I just can't wait for the next. Thus, I will go back to eating water melon, orange or something like that. I wish mangoes were in season all year. :)

These big mangoes do cause a tummy stir!

I thank God for this season and for mangoes.

Monday, 9 June 2008

Rainy season

Who likes dark clouds? I'm not sure anybody necessarily does, but it brings rain, winds and sometimes lightening and thunderstorm with it. And it's the rain and cool weather that I love.

There have been times deep in the night, heavy rains would be accompanied by rolling thunders that actually would shake the ground with such rippling effect. One such night, alone in my room, I couldn't but marvel at God's power. And .... I was a little scared. :) I kept praying in my head, "Daddy God! I can see how powerful you are, no doubt about it this time, but don't let the lightening struck me!" :) :) :) I didn't know whether to go under my bed or what. I just stayed put on my bed in the long round.

Below dark clouds, mahogany branches swaying to the rhythm of the winds, in the midst of dark clouds.

Soon after a family life seminar in church last month, God sent rain. Aha! His timing was such that we couldn't go home immediately, so we had to occupy ourselves with an extended time of fellowship to allow for the heavy rain to wane to a drivable state. I partly occupied myself with taking photos of church members engaging themselves in chit chats. Of those pictures, I won't share, at least not yet, sorry. However, I went out to the veranda and saw this (below) lonely but cute shrub within the church premises. What would it look like if I took a photo of this? Then, snap away I got into business. The little lights are real raindrops for sure, not a photo effect.

Friday, 6 June 2008

Walking Backwards Towards Your Future

I can't imagine how possible it is that one can walk backwards into his/her future. But that happens, people do that. I have done that before in the past during a difficult season. For some others, walking backwards into their future is simply a way of life. But is that really the best approach to going where we want when inherently the word, 'future' means what is yet to come?

A Boundless article and recent conversations with a few friends has got me in a somewhat philosophical mood. I will not provide a personal review of the article, sorry. :) Go ahead and click here to read for yourself what Kara Schwab has to say in "Look Where You're Going."

Hope you're blessed!