Sunday 1 April 2012

Perspectives: New Eyes

I was driving down through a street that I normally use, but for some reason I looked at the street with different eyes. The lineup of mahogany trees on both sides of the road suddenly appeared beautiful to me and I thought, “This would make a beautiful landscape photo like the ones I see in calendars and on desktop screens.” The only thing that prevented me from attempting to capture what I saw was that I didn’t have my camera with me at that time. That’s what I call the “photographer’s eyes.”

I know an architect who says he watches movies with an eye to check out building designs that he can use in his work. And I’m sure an interior decorator will have a different perspective when watching the same movies as the architect.

I also remember seeing a rainbow a few years ago. Between my sister and I, we briefly took turns taking photos of the rainbow. While I focused on the rainbow itself (hey, you don’t get to see rainbows often, right?), my sister focused on the rainbow and the surroundings. Professional photographers call this “composition.” In the end, her pictures came out better than mine.

While perspectives are good, they can be limiting in the big scheme of things. We all have view points based on our backgrounds, experiences, professions, etc but that’s not all there is to life. There is the Big Picture that includes all generations and all people. Even historians sometimes get it wrong, either because of misinformation or because their experiences skew their perspectives. Only God, the Beginning and the End, the Eternal God, who is also the Creator and Designer, has the Big Picture.

My encouragement for you today is to ask God to gives you “new eyes” to see beauty in the mundane. Live with the expectation that God will show you new things, and He will.

With new eyes,
Lady Akofa.

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