Tuesday, 29 September 2009

A Time for Everything

Another end has come; new things are in store. There is time for everything. His faithfulness and love is beyond full comprehension. No thanksgiving can ever be enough but I'll THANK Him anyway. I ♥ my Papa.

A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8 (NIV)

Still on the themes of Seasons, Change, Expectations and Gratefulness, one of our pastors-in-training made a striking statement -I had to pause and write it down- when we celebrated our annual thanksgiving early this month. It's worth sharing.

Flowers are sign of promise and the fruit are the manifestation of the promise.
~~~ Mrs. A. Phillips.

Since then I don't casually look at flowers of fruit-bearing trees and other flowers; I'm filled with much awe and wonder at the sight of them.

Yes, there is time for everything and He makes ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL at their proper time.

May God make all things not yet beautiful in your life BEAUTIFUL when it's time.

God bless ya,
Lady Akofa.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

A Season of Change

Hello Blog readers,

How are you?

I'm afraid this is going to be a looooong post and it would be inappropriate to do a part 1 and 2 series, considering the nature of the message.

I’ve been reflecting on my fickle purpose for this blog for quite a while and I sense it’s about time I changed its direction.

When I started blogging, I intended for it to be a place to share creative writing stuff and keep my family and my few friends abroad, up to date with me. I was thinking of creative writing as in God-glorifying “Nobel/Pulitzer" literary kind of stuff! :) Weeeell……I never really got to sharing that on this blog. Weird, I know…. see how I was aiming so high.... for Nobel, lol! If you're familiar with Dr. Phil, I'm sure he would have asked me with an incredulous look and in my face, "Helloooooo? What were you thinking when you set yourself up to be a literary writer, young lady?" Pop Pyschology! Lol! It's been a few years now since I last watched the show, considering that I rarely watch television now.

Anyway, my family hardly read this blog ‘cos we live together and see one another so often, lol! When I try to continue a blog conversation later in the day at home, I often get this baffled look. “Didn’t you read what I posted on my blog?” I ask and I get this response, “Ooooooh, you mean your blog! No, I haven’t seen that.” My busy family with workaholic traits… gotta love them! : )

My known friends abroad, well… most love this blog because we are far apart and this is just a way of keeping updates, somewhat. To you I say, “Me like your visits here!" : )

So, half of the intended primary audience doesn’t read this blog, while the other half does.

Checking my stats, I have quite a number of international visitors and I’m quite amazed that you stop by, even if it’s a brief visit. Thanks for your love.

And there are visitors who ‘borrow’ or should I plainly say, steal content from this blog without asking. I’m okay with sharing content, just let me know, okaaay? :)

I’ve met some great bloggie friends and I’d love for this e-friendship to continue. You never know, we might meet someday and soon! : )

So this blog, on its 3rd anniversary will undergo changes. I just don’t want to leave you with a bad taste in your mouth by ‘disappearing’ suddenly as some bloggers do and make you brush your tongue a thousand times a day thinking, “What’s that bitter mango I ate from Lady Akofa’s bloggie home the other day?” Trust me, I’ll only serve you BIG, ripe and sweet mangoes over here, okaaaay? Just 'feel free' to come over when the next harvest season is in full swing, LOL! In between, you're welcome to have Hot Brown Gold or some other delicious chocolatey delight with me. It's no wonder Ghanaians are known for our hospitality. : )

I‘ll continue blogging but access will be restricted from October onwards. For those who want to keep up to date with me and my not-so-worthy ramblings, I’ll appreciate that you comment by sending your preferred e-mail address which you’ll use to sign in to this blog. To prevent spammers and hackers who crawl anonymously from reading your e-mail address, please write this way as an example: ladyakofa AT gmail DOT com, with spaces in between and spelling out the symbols. They will not be published or shared with anyone.

I may bounce back in full public glare sometime next year… or 2011 or 2013 or 2025…. assuming I have the energy and time to blog when I’m much older, lol! For now, I seek just a lil' repose from blog limelight.

I’ve greatly enjoyed this e-journey, sharing ideas, sitting at the feet of others in their bloggie homes, e-meeting lots of Christians and young, like-minded ladies from afar. It’s been fun and there’s definitely more ahead! I’ll definitely be visiting your blogs and commenting so I won’t be completely MIA.


Keep the Faith,
Stay Strong
Stand Firm,
in His Grace alone.

Many blessings from the Mango Lover,
Lady Akofa. : )


Earlier this year in response to a suggestion, I started praying about a venture. After all, it seemed a good idea. But as weeks turned into months with no kick off, I continued seeking the LORD’s face about this issue until I hit a revelation jackpot.

Interestingly, when I started praying early this year, God laid Proverbs 3:5-6 on my heart. Oftentimes, that Scripture would literally cut off doubts and anxieties whenever they tried to take a foothold in my mind. As I was gearing up for another bout of fervent prayer several weeks ago, I sensed My Father tenderly tell me, “It’s okaaaay, enough of this prayer. Just let it go.” Although I couldn’t explain it, I had peace about this “no-no” answer from God. Within 2, 3 weeks of perceiving the ‘No’ yet comforting and liberating response, I got to know why.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6

I’m truly grateful that God has been faithful to His own promise that He will lead and instruct. That’s the blessing of The Father who loves His children. Do all earthly fathers say, “Yes” to every whim and request of their kids all the time? Nope. Just as most earthly fathers have their kids’ best in mind, so does Papa God, who has much better plans in store for His children.

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you and watch over you.
Do not be like the horse or the mule,
which have no understanding
but must be controlled by bit and bridle
or they will not come to you.

Psalm 32:8-9

I pray that you’ll find God, who delights in giving good gifts… including making those crooked paths straight as we walk this life’s journey. He is Faithful to lead if we seek His direction.

God bless ya,
Lady Akofa.

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

Making Home Elsewhere for the Sake of Others

For some reasons, I’m quite excited about September. By the way, some theologians have concluded from research that Jesus Christ was born in September. We all know He wasn’t born in December but it doesn’t mean Christmas celebrations should be halted, banned, etc. Jesus Christ is not bound by time, He is the Alpha and Omega so He sure doesn’t need a birth date! So I wish you Happy September 2009!

Today, I’m going to introduce you to 2 Americans ladies currently based in countries not their own. One is a full-time missionary and the other is a tent-maker missionary.

Meet Kristina, whom I know from her days in Ghana while I was studying for my Bachelor’s degree several years ago. I sat under Kristina's feet in my ‘baby Christian’ days and that’s where I learnt the difference between ‘religiousity’ that is associated with the church-going culture in Ghana and ‘pursuing a relationship with God.’ I was ravenous for God like a baby needing to be fed several times a day and Kristina was one of God’s gracious instruments in satisfying that hunger. Kristina’s passion for Christ so radiated the first time I sat in her bible study that I said to myself, “Oooh wow! I want that too!” One of my good friends often called her, “The lady with a mission,” because Kristina was always on the go for God. She challenged us to assess our growth by often asking questions such as, “How is your relationship with God this week?” or “What has God been speaking to you about lately?” Now in Senegal, Kristina is a full-time missionary sharing God’s love with the people of Oussouye and neighbouring towns.

Then there is Amanda, whom I have met through blogosphere. She has been in Taiwan for several years and works as an English teacher with a call to spread God’s love to her community. She and her Taiwanese husband, Lawrence recently celebrated their first wedding anniversary.

“Where is this all leading, Lady Akofa?” You say.

: )

I think you should visit them today! Visit their blogs, spread some love and leave encouraging comments for them, will you? Kristina shares her Senegal experiences mostly through photos, while Amanda does a mix of both photos and words. And while you at it, please remember to pray for these lovely feet (Romans 10: 14 and 15) and the communities they seek to draw to God through Christ.

This time you don’t have to promise to return to my blog, lol! I won’t require this of you!

God bless ya!
Lady Akofa.