Friday, 21 November 2008

90 days-Noah's Ark

Edited to add: The blog title above links to the Arknanoach website, which I would encourage you to view, so clicking on it will not lead to this post!

If you've been reading the Bible in a year, 6 months or in 90 days like me, aren't there days that you'd really like to see some of the old stuff, like the tabernacle of Moses' day, the temple of Solomon's day, Goliath's weapons or Noah's ark? Often times I find it difficult to comprehend the dimensions or measurements given in the Bible, even when modern day equivalents are given in footnotes.

I've always wondered what Noah's Ark may have looked like. Haven't you? Well, you got the opportunity to see a modern day built Noah's ark! Mrs June Fuentes from A Wise Woman posted and linked to the web of a father and a son who had built one. This ark is just half of the real and original thing. The ark is in the Netherlands for viewing, live and coloured. So if you ever happen to be in Amsterdam, Westerdoksdijk, between now and 7 February, 2009, you sure don't want to miss this!

Dreaming about Noah's Ark, the real thing, of course. Thinking also of the animals as they walked in pairs into it. Goats, sheep, the slow but sure snails, chickens, baboons, ants, millipedes and rats???... Yeah, I should think rats were included. :)

Back home & loving the warm and humid weather,
Lady Akofa.

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