Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

Wishing all my readers a Merry Christmas!!! Below is a poem I wrote a few days ago, based on Isaiah 53, while meditating on one of my recent quiet moments with God. This is truly the reason for His birth that we celebrate so joyously.

Title? I don't know whether, "Blue Christmas" or "Bloody Christmas" or "Red Christmas" will do. Still thinking about that. I share this for your enjoyment although it's lil' bit of a gloomy poem, I know. No worries! He's alive because He rose up!

A tender shoot
The tender shoot came up from dry ground.
How is that possible, farmers?

He was despised, rejected and held in low esteem.
When people saw him, they hid their faces from him.
Not worthy to look at?

He took the pain of others,
He bore the suffering of others,
He was afflicted
That's enough to get a person to the lowest of lows.

Because of my horrible sins, my wickedness
He, who knew no sin, didn't have to, didn't deserve to
took on my well-deserved punishment.
So that I may have peace
with God
with my fellow human beings.

A sheep gone astray.
Walking on the wrong path
How could I go back to the flock, my family?

But not without blood.
In His blood,
today I have peace.
The reason for Christ's birth.

©Lady Akofa
17th December, 2008

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How beautiful the words of your poem fit the picture for this season.I'd try and memorise this piece.